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现行 AWWA WSC67787
Detection of Biological Suspensions Using Online Detectors in a Model Drinking Water Distribution System Simulator 在模型饮用水分配系统模拟器中使用在线检测器检测生物悬浮物
发布日期: 2008-04-01
本powerpoint演示文稿介绍了美国环境保护局(USEPA)赞助的关于水质的研究 传感器对污染的响应。已经确定了两个知识缺口,包括: 104-105以下生物悬浮液的检测 cfu/ml;和 水中放射性污染物的检测。 这项研究总结了生物测试的结果,尤其是 正在进行的无线电传感器测试。实验设计在测试与评价中的应用 提供设施,以及 传感器对B的响应结果。 球形孢子和 大肠杆菌对结果的讨论包括: 所有的传感器都在更高的温度下产生了一些响应 浓度,优于典型的浊度计; 产生了多角度光散射技术 1000和600 cfu/ml时的视觉反应; 这些测试的基线非常稳定, 这些回答对该领域是否有意义 部分取决于基线噪声; 在1000 cfu/ml和 但事件检测软件可能有助于检测 异常; 数据显示了人们可能会观察到的情况 传感器就位;和 现在需要更多能够 现场低浓度检测。包括桌子。
This powerpoint presentation presents research sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) on water quality sensor response to contamination. Two knowledge gaps have been identified, and include: detection of biological suspensions below 104-105 cfu/ml; and, detection of radiological contaminants in water. This research summarizes results for biological testing, in particular rad sensor testing that is ongoing. Experimental design at the Test and Evaluation Facility is provided, along with sensor response results to B. globigii spores and E. coli. Discussion of results includes: all of the sensors produced some response at higher concentrations, better than typical turbidimeters; the multiple angle light scattering technology produced a visual response at 1000 and 600 cfu/ml; baseline for these tests was very stable, whether these are meaningful responses for the field depends partly on baseline noise; responses were difficult to see at 1000 cfu/ml and below, but event detection software may help detect anomalies; the data shows what one might observe with these sensors in place; and, there is a need for more online sensors that can detect at low concentrations in the field. Includes tables.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会