This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the motivation for developing contamination warning
systems and timely response. The research approach, detection and response process, and response methodology are presented, along with required input to, and output from, the optimization solver. A case study is presented with the following goals:
identify response actions (e.g., boil water alerts,
flushing, valve closures) which could be implemented
to minimize impacts given a contamination event;
provide input to utility on development of a
consequence management plan; and,
develop a software tool to support the selection of
optimal response actions (flushing, valve closures,
public notifications) given a contamination event. A summary of analysis includes:
effectiveness of response options can be impacted by
detection time,
proximity to storage tanks,
number of sensors,
number of hydrants flushed, and
number of valves closed;
difficult to determine single response option for all
injections detected by a sensor; and, process to identify single response option is more
challenging than originally thought. Includes table, figures.