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历史 NFPA(Fire) 68
Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting, 2013 Edition 爆燃通风防爆标准 2013年版
发布日期: 2012-12-17
NFPA发布的代码和标准在NFPA的许可下显示为只读,仅供本系统使用。NFPA材料不得下载、打印、复制或转让。NFPA 68包括工业防火和消防安全的新最佳实践。根据技术变化、火灾经验和最新的消防安全实践进行更新,NFPA 68爆燃通风防爆标准适用于装置和系统的设计、位置、安装、维护和使用,这些装置和系统可排放外壳内爆燃产生的燃烧气体和压力,从而将结构和机械损坏降至最低。 该标准包括基于性能的选项,包括支持基于性能方面的自包含章节。2013年版的重要变化包括:压力通风歧管的更新要求气体混合物通风的更新方法和方程添加初始压力低于大气压力的外壳通风方程新增斗式提升机章节新增估算基本燃烧速度的附录章节
Codes and standards published by NFPA are displayed as read-only under license from NFPA solely for use within this system. NFPA material may not be downloaded, printed, reproduced, or transferred.NFPA 68 includes the new best practices for Industrial fire protection and fire safety.Updated based on technology changes, fire experience, and the latest fire safety practices, NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting applies to the design, location, installation, maintenance, and use of devices and systems that vent the combustion gases and pressures resulting from a deflagration within an enclosure so that structural and mechanical damage is minimized.The Standard includes a performance-based option, including self-contained chapters supporting the performance-based aspect.Important changes in the 2013 edition include:Updated requirements for pressure vent manifoldsUpdated method and equations for venting of gas mixturesAdded equations for venting of enclosures with initial pressures below atmosphericA new section on bucket elevatorsA new annex chapter on estimating fundamental burning velocities
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国国家消防协会