Introductory Text1.Citation and commencement2.Amendment of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme Regulations 20143.Amendment to regulation 65 (Deferred member’s account closed after service under another public service scheme)4.Amendment to paragraph 30 (Making a buy-out election) of Schedule 2 (Scheme flexibilities)5.Amendment to paragraph 31 (Application of existing scheme regulations) of Schedule 3 (Transitional provisions)6.Amendment to paragraph 33 (Annual rate of pension) of Schedule 37.Amendment to paragraph 34 of Schedule 3 (Application for payment of age retirement pension)8.Amendment to paragraph 36 (Application for payment of premature retirement pension) and paragraph 37 (Application for payment of early retirement pension) of Schedule 39.Amendment to paragraph 38 (Application for payment of ill-health pension) of Schedule 310.Insertion of paragraphs 38A and 38B into Schedule 311.Amendment to paragraph 47 (Application for payment of benefits for pension credit members) of Schedule 312.Amendment to paragraph 52 (Transfer payments in respect of the existing scheme) of Schedule 3SignatureExplanatory Note