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现行 DE-13-013
An Integrated Fire Safety Plan to Manage Smoke Movement during a High-Rise Fire 管理高层火灾期间烟雾移动的综合消防安全计划
设计了一个专门用于跟踪火灾期间烟雾运动的计算机程序,用于设计高层建筑的综合烟雾管理方案。该项目的目标是设计一个烟雾控制装置,控制整个建筑的压力分布,同时使烟雾远离建筑居住者。该项目的结果表明,可以采用一种方案来保持烟雾,该方案通过楼梯井和建筑内的楼层空间加压,并利用电梯井作为通往外部的通风通道- 地板上以及逃生楼梯上的自由区域。组合楼梯间和保持楼梯间增压能力的几个优点。加压区域的组合也减少了打开消防逃生门所需的力,并将力保持在规范限制范围内。烟雾管理方案的最后一个方面是在电梯井道上安装排气扇,以减少输送到建筑物外部的烟雾的流动阻力。 加压楼梯间和地板的组合,加上电梯排气,形成了一种三管齐下的烟雾管理方法,在火灾期间有最好的机会改善生命安全。程序结果用于确定足以维持高层建筑无烟条件的增压设备的容量。布置在楼梯间的专用风扇能够防止烟雾侵入消防通道,其尺寸合理。地板加压设备在现有舒适控制设备的能力范围内。 楼梯间空气处理装置(AHU)的计算机预测容量与在多个实验性楼梯间增压试验中使用的设备尺寸相比,具有良好的可比性。引文:美国科学与技术研究院学报第119卷第2部分,科罗拉多州丹佛市。
A computer program designed specifically to track smokemovement during a fire was applied to the task of designing anintegrated smoke management scheme for high-rise buildings.The goal of the program was to design a smoke control planthat manipulates the pressure distribution throughout thebuilding while keeping smoke away from building occupants.The results of the program indicate that a plan to pressurizeboth the stairwells and floor spaces within the building and toutilize the elevator shafts as a route to ventsmoke to the exteriorcan be employed to maintain smoke-free areas on the floors aswell as in the fire escape stairs. Combining stair and floor pressurizationhas several advantages, including reducing the sizeand capacity of the pressurization equipment necessary to keepsmoke at bay. The combination of pressurized areas alsoreduces the force necessary to open fire escape doors and keepsthe force within code limitations. The final aspect of the smokemanagement scheme involves equipping the elevator shaftswith exhaust fans to reduce the flow resistance of smoke thatis transported to the exterior of the building. The combinationof pressurized stairwells and floors, coupled with elevatorexhaust, forms a three-pronged approach to smoke managementthat has the best opportunity to improve life safety duringa fire. The program results are used to determine the capacityof the pressurization equipment sufficient to maintain smokefreeconditions in the high-rise building. The dedicated fansemployed in the stairwells that are capable of preventingsmoke from invading the fire escapes are reasonably sized.Floor pressurization equipment is shown to be within the capabilitiesof existing comfort control equipment. The computerpredictedcapacity of the stairwell air-handling units (AHUs)compare well with the size of equipment that has been used inseveral experimental stairwell pressurization tests.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类