Equipment for crop protection — Method for measurement of potential spray drift from horizontal boom sprayers by the use of a test bench
作物保护设备 - 通过使用试验台测量水平臂式喷雾器的潜在喷雾漂移的方法
ISO 22401:2015提供了一种使用试验台测量水平臂喷雾器喷雾沉降的试验方法。沉降测量给出了潜在喷雾漂移的值。这些测量值可用于比较同一台喷雾器上的不同喷雾器设置。
ISO 22401:2015适用于用于耕地作物的安装式、牵引式和自行式水平臂喷雾器;以及用于果园/葡萄园杂草控制和园艺作物喷洒的水平臂喷雾器。
ISO 22401:2015适用于使用统一喷雾发生器的吊杆。如果用于喷雾器的喷雾漂移分类,比较仅限于喷嘴类型、喷雾压力和动臂高度。
ISO 22401:2015 provides a test method to measure spray sedimentation from horizontal boom sprayers using a test bench. The sedimentation measure gives a value for potential spray drift. These measurements can be used to compare different sprayer setups on the same sprayer.
ISO 22401:2015 is applicable to mounted, trailed and self-propelled horizontal boom sprayers used in arable crops; and horizontal boom sprayers used for weed control in orchards/vineyards and spray application on horticultural crops.
ISO 22401:2015 is intended for booms using a uniform set of spray generators. If intended for spray drift classification of the sprayer, the comparison is limited to nozzle type, spray pressure and boom height.
NOTE Further investigations and tests are on-going to consider other parameters for classification aims (e.g. air assisted system, forward speed, nozzle spacing and orientation).