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现行 BS ISO 1641-1:2016
End mills and slot drills-Milling cutters with cylindrical shanks 端铣刀和槽钻
发布日期: 2016-07-31
BS ISO 1641-1:2016规定了以下平面铣刀的一般尺寸 圆柱、扁圆柱和螺纹柄:平头或球头端铣刀-标准系列和长系列;槽钻-短系列和标准系列。圆柱柄的尺寸特性符合ISO 3338-1和ISO 3338-2 以及ISO 3338-3。注:ISO 1641-2中处理了这些带有螺纹孔的莫氏锥柄铣刀, 符合ISO 1641-3标准的7/24锥柄。ISO 1641的本部分不适用于实心硬质金属端铣刀和槽钻。交叉引用:ISO 3338-1ISO 3338-2ISO 3338-3ISO 1641-2ISO 1641-3ISO 11529ISO 13399购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 1641-1:2016 specifies the general dimensions of the following milling cutters with plain cylindrical, flatted cylindrical and threaded shanks:end mills, flat-ended or ball-nosed - standard series and long series;slot drills - short series and standard series.The dimensional characteristics of cylindrical shanks are in accordance with ISO 3338-1, ISO 3338-2 and ISO 3338-3.NOTE These same milling cutters with Morse taper shanks having a tapped hole are dealt with in ISO 1641-2, those with 7/24 taper shanks in ISO 1641-3.This part of ISO 1641 does not apply to solid hard metal end mills and slot drills.Cross References:ISO 3338-1ISO 3338-2ISO 3338-3ISO 1641-2ISO 1641-3ISO 11529ISO 13399All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会