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现行 AWWA DSS65663
Evaluating and Improving Water Age In Distribution System Storage Facilities 评估和改进配电系统储存设施的水龄
发布日期: 2007-09-01
配水系统储存设施中的老化水可能会对水质产生不利影响 提供给客户的水量。过多的水龄会导致消毒副产物增加 (DBP)余氯的形成和损失。使用氯胺化进行最终处理的公用事业公司 为了尽量减少DBP的形成,消毒工作在储存过程中经常会发生硝化事件 由于水龄的延长,设施。 本文回顾了典型配电系统存储设施的类型及其应用 影响储存设施选择的因素。 它总结了几个病例报告 最近在专业报告中报告的配水系统水质问题 出版物。最近的延长周期模拟(EPS)的结果包括水龄和水源 用于评估操作、类型和位置影响的跟踪分析 介绍了样本压力区配水系统水质的储存设施。 这些EPS分析结果显示了储存设施类型和位置的相对影响 可能会对配水系统的水质产生影响。 包括6个参考文献、图表。
Aging water in distribution system storage facilities can have a detrimental impact on the quality of water delivered to customers. Excess water age can result in increased disinfection byproduct (DBP) formation and loss of chlorine residual. Utilities that use chloramination for final disinfection in efforts to minimize DBP formation often experience nitrification events in storage facilities as a result of extended water age. This paper presents a review of the types of typical distribution system storage facilities and the factors that influence the selection of storage facilities. It summarizes several case reports of distribution system water quality issues that have recently been reported in professional publications. The results from recent extended period simulation (EPS) water age and source trace analyses which were used to evaluate the impact of the operation, type, and location of storage facilities on distribution system water quality for a sample pressure zone are presented. These EPS analyses results show the relative impact that type and location of a storage facility can have on water quality in the distribution system. Includes 6 references, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会