The City of Scottsdale (City) plans to expand the Central Arizona Project (CAP)
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) by adding 30 MGD for a net total production of 80
MGD. As part of the treatment process selection and conceptual design for the
30 MGD expansion, a detailed evaluation of the various alternatives was
conducted. A workshop-based approach was used to identify thirteen
configurations, short-list to four alternatives, and select a treatment process train.
Ultimately, a side-stream treatment (referred to as Plant III) consisting of high
rate clarification and membrane filtration (MF) was selected as the most
appropriate process configuration for the plant expansion. Initially, dissolved air
flotation (DAF) was selected as the high-rate clarification; however, during the
pilot testing, the clarification technology was expanded to also include sand
ballasted flocculation (SBF).
A five-month pilot study was conducted at the CAP WTP to evaluate the
performance of clarification and membrane filtration technologies and to establish
operating parameters for the design of the proposed 30 MGD plant. The
clarification technologies tested consisted of two DAF systems and sand
ballasted flocculation (SBF). Note that the SBF was introduced later in the pilot
testing program and was only tested for approximately one month. Five
membrane manufacturers submitted their Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for
participation in the pilot program. After review of the SOQs, three membrane
systems were selected for the pilot testing. The entire pilot project was divided into two phases.
Phase I consisted of optimization of operating parameters followed by
long-term operation of the DAF and membrane units. After the completion
of the initial optimization phase, the DAF systems operated in a near
steady-state mode to minimize the variations in the water quality feeding
the membranes systems. The MF units participated in two consecutive
flux confirmation tests with a chemical clean performed between the two
Phase II was the extended pilot period to test the DAF and SBF units
under ambient and artificially elevated turbidity conditions. Includes tables, figures.