Plastics piping and ducting systems — Plastics pipes and fittings — Method for exposure to direct (natural) weathering
ISO 16871:2003规定了一种方法,用于将单独或组装的塑料管道和配件,或作为塑料管道和配件的一部分暴露在自然风化中,以评估变化。
对于适合热带或赤道条件的暴露,请注意ISO 877。
ISO 16871:2003 specifies a method for exposing plastics pipes and fittings, individually or assembled, or as pieces therefrom, to natural weathering in order to assess changes.
The exposure is considered appropriate for evaluating components subject to yard storage prior to installation and use without further exposure to direct weathering, and is quantified to promote rationalization of exposure doses and comparability of data.
For exposures appropriate to tropical or equatorial conditions, attention is drawn to ISO 877.