ISO/TS 8103-6:2017:
a) specifies global safety parameters (GSPs) for escalators and moving walks, their components and their functions;
b) complements the system and methods specified in ISO/TS 25740?1 for mitigating safety risks that can arise in the course of, the operation and use of, or work on, escalators and moving walks.
ISO/TS 8103-6:2017 is applicable to escalators and moving walks that can:
a) be located in any permanent and fixed structure within or attached to a building;
b) have any
rated load, size of load carrying unit and speed, and
travel height;
c) be affected by fire and weather;
d) be foreseeably misused, but not vandalized.
ISO/TS 8103-6:2017 does not specifically cover
- needs of users with disabilities, and
- risks arising from
work on escalators and moving walks under construction or during alterations and dismantling;
vandalism, and
fire in the environment of the escalator or moving walk.