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现行 NY-08-038
Development of Simple Cooling Coil Models for Simulation of HVAC Systems 用于暖通空调系统模拟的简单冷却盘管模型的开发
本文介绍了两种简单的冷却盘管模型。本文的第一部分描述并验证了第一部分(参考模型)。该模型只需要3个参数,可通过使用调试或制造商信息进行估计。本文的第二部分介绍并验证了第二个简单模型(简化模型)。本文展示了在不需要描述制冷剂侧发生的情况下,如何从参考模型构建后者。该简化模型可以很容易地集成到全球暖通空调系统的模型中,以计算长时间内的冷却盘管能耗。 简化模型可以减少计算时间,避免数值不稳定性。单位:SICitation:ASHRAE Transactions,第114卷,pt。2008年1月1日,纽约
This paper presents two simple cooling coil models. The first part of the paper describes and validates the first one (“reference model”). This model only necessitates 3 parameters, which can be estimated by using commissioning or manufacturer information. The second part of the paper presents and validates the second simple model (“simplified model”). The paper shows how the latter can be built from the reference model, when there is no need to describe what happens on the refrigerant side. This simplified model can be easily integrated in the model of a global HVAC system in order to calculate the cooling coil energy consumption over large time periods. The simplified model is appropriate to decrease the computational time and avoid numerical instabilities.Units: SI
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类