Gwinnett County, Georgia conducted a membrane pilot and demonstration test program to
compare with the existing "high-lime" process train for possible selection in the tertiary
treatment facilities of a 40 mgd plant expansion. Microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF),
and nanofiltration (NF) membranes were tested with several pretreatment processes. The
selected tertiary treatment process for the plant expansion treating secondary effluent
included: coagulant addition and clarification for phosphorus, solids, and
organics reduction; strainers or screens (500 micron or finer) for larger-size solids
reduction prior to MF/UF; MF or UF membranes for submicron particle removal
(including microbes); granular activated carbon (GAC) following ozone for disinfection
and organic reduction; and, final ozone for disinfection. Membrane system selection
involved evaluating prequalified-MF/UF proposals considering initial and present worth
costs and several specified qualitative factors, "proof testing" the selected membrane system
following chemical clarification of secondary effluent, and incorporating the preselected MF
or UF system into the overall tertiary treatment facility design and construction bid
documents. Includes tables, figures.