Footwear. Test methods for the assessment of ecological criteria
交叉引用:EN 1122:2001EN 12868EN ISO 11885ISO 11885CEN ISO/TS 16181ISO/TS 16181EN ISO 17072-2:2011ISO 17072-2:2011EN ISO 17294-2ISO 17294-2ISO 8288EN 12222ENV 13005EN ISO 4044ISO 4044ISO 5725-291/271/EEC1999/179/EC2002/231/EC2009/563/ECRegulation(EC)No 1907/2006购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
Cross References:EN 1122:2001EN 12868EN ISO 11885ISO 11885CEN ISO/TS 16181ISO/TS 16181EN ISO 17072-2:2011ISO 17072-2:2011EN ISO 17294-2ISO 17294-2ISO 8288EN 12222ENV 13005EN ISO 4044ISO 4044ISO 5725-291/271/EEC1999/179/EC2002/231/EC2009/563/ECRegulation (EC) No 1907/2006All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.