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现行 ISO/TS 23624:2021
Cranes — Safe use of high-performance fibre ropes in crane applications 起重机.起重机应用中高性能纤维绳的安全使用
发布日期: 2021-05-24
本文件为起重机应用中高性能纤维绳(HPFR)的安全使用提供了指导。 本文件还涵盖绞车应用。提及起重机应用隐含地包括绞车应用。 本文件涵盖了性能标准和必要的评估,以选择HPFR,以及在起重机应用中安全操作HPFR的程序、测试和维护方面的最佳实践指南,包括装配/拆卸规定。 性能标准与按计划使用起重机时执行的任务有关,包括组装/拆卸、操作以及所需的检查和维护。 本文件不涉及所谓的混合钢丝绳,该混合钢丝绳是钢丝和高性能纤维的组合,其中钢丝和高功能纤维共享承载能力。本文件不涉及用于高风险应用(如热熔融金属运输)的HPFR。
This document gives guidance for the safe use of high-performance fibre ropes (HPFR) in crane applications. This document also covers winch applications. The mention of crane applications implicitly includes winch applications. This document covers performance criteria and the necessary evaluation to enable selection of HPFR as well as best practice guidelines on procedures, testing and maintenance to safely operate HPFR in crane applications including provisions for assembly/disassembly. The performance criteria are related to tasks performed when using cranes as intended, including assembly/disassembly, operation and required checks and maintenance. This document does not deal with so-called hybrid ropes which are a combination of steel wire and high-performance fibres, where the load bearing capability is shared between steel wires and the high-performance fibre. This document does not deal with HPFR used for high risk applications (e.g. transport of hot molten metal).
归口单位: ISO/TC 96/SC 3