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现行 AWWA JAW57434
Journal AWWA - Toxicity of Chlorine and Three Nonoxidizing Molluscicides to the Pest Mussel Limnoperna Fortunei AWWA期刊-氯和三种非氧化性杀螺剂对害虫贻贝的毒性
发布日期: 2003-01-01
在过去的十年里,亚洲淡水双壳类 软体动物Limnoperna fortunei已经入侵南方 美国水域的污染使其成为 工业和发电厂的主要滋扰 就像饮用水行业一样。鉴于上升趋势 在全球航运业中,未来的北美 害虫贻贝生物很可能入侵。 因为L.fortunei的经济威胁 必须制定控制措施。 这项调查调查了L.fortunei的易感性 氯和三种非氧化性杀螺剂 被证明能有效控制斑马贻贝 多形德雷塞纳。一般来说,两个 杀螺剂要么无效,要么微不足道 在推荐的浓度下有效 斑马贻贝,尤指在较低温度下。 这个 第三种杀螺剂的毒性最大 测试的化合物;gt/=1 mg/L的浓度 >50%的死亡率在所有温度下。在15摄氏度和20摄氏度, 氯浓度为5 mg/L时,在三到六个月后导致总死亡 六周的暴露。在25摄氏度时,它完全有效 浓度(1-100 mg/L),达到100%死亡率 在11-17天内。气温大幅上升 所有被测化学品的毒性,尤其是 氯。 作者得出结论,商业配方 广泛用于控制北美 入侵害虫D.多形对L.无效。 福伦蒂。此外,与Dreissena相比 在两到三个月内产卵, Limnoperna有很长的活跃繁殖期, 这将使其控制更加复杂。 这些 研究结果表明,从 在对付斑马方面获得了丰富的经验 贻贝在应对挑战方面的价值有限 属于L.fortunei。包括55个参考文献、表格和图表。
Over the past decade, the Asian freshwater bivalve mollusk Limnoperna fortunei has invaded South American waters, where its fouling has made it a major nuisance for industrial and power plants, as well as the drinking water industry. Given the rising trend in worldwide shipping traffic, a future North American invasion by the pest mussel organism is probable. Because of L. fortunei's economic threat, adequate control measures must be developed. This investigation examined L. fortunei's susceptibility to chlorine and three nonoxidizing molluscicides proven to be effective in controlling the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In general terms, two of the molluscicides were either ineffective or marginally effective at the concentrations recommended for the zebra mussel, especially at lower temperatures. The third molluscicide was the most toxic of the compounds tested; concentrations of >/=1 mg/L yielded >50% mortalities at all temperatures. At 15 and 20 degrees C, chlorine at 5 mg/L resulted in total kills after three to six weeks of exposure. At 25 degrees C, it was effective at all concentrations (1-100 mg/L), achieving 100% mortalities in 11-17 days. Temperature substantially enhanced the toxicity of all the chemicals tested, particularly chlorine. The authors concluded that the commercial formulations widely used to control the North American invading pest D. polymorpha are ineffective for L. fortunei. Furthermore, in contrast to Dreissena, which spawns over a two- to three-month period, Limnoperna has a long period of active reproduction, a fact that will further complicate its control. These findings indicate that direct extrapolation from the ample experience gained in dealing with the zebra mussel will be of limited value in meeting the challenge of L. fortunei. Includes 55 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会