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现行 IEC TS 60079-42:2019
Explosive atmospheres - Part 42: Electrical safety devices for the control of potential ignition sources for Ex-Equipment 爆炸性环境第42部分:防爆设备潜在火源控制用电气安全装置
发布日期: 2019-04-17
IEC TS 60079-42:2019为使用电气安全装置的设备制造商提供了指导,以降低潜在点火源在位于爆炸性环境中的防爆设备中生效的可能性。电气安全装置执行安全功能,以控制爆炸性环境中电气或非电气防爆设备的潜在点火源。 本技术说明书还可以应用于执行安全功能的元件的组合。例如:传感器、逻辑系统、最终元件。本技术规范也可用于独立评估安全装置,而不是为特定的防爆设备设计的。 安全装置可以是实现Ex设备相对于潜在点火源的所需EPL的措施。然后,安全装置和防爆设备的组合可以符合IEC 60079系列和ISO 80079系列关于设备保护级别的相关标准。然而,通过简单增加安全装置来增加Ex设备的EPL不在本技术规范的范围内。 本技术规范不适用于: ?减压阀、机械调速器等机械控制设备及其他机械安全装置 ?气体检测的使用 ?防止发生爆炸性环境的控制设备,例如惰性系统和通风系统 ?减轻爆炸
IEC TS 60079-42:2019 provides guidance for equipment manufacturers where electrical safety devices are used to reduce the likelihood of potential ignition sources becoming effective in Ex Equipment located in Explosive Atmospheres. Electrical safety devices perform a safety function to control potential ignition sources from both, electrical or non-electrical Ex Equipment in explosive atmospheres.
This Technical Specification may also be applied to a combination of elements performing a safety function. For example: Sensor, Logic system, Final element. This Technical Specification can also be used for assessing the safety device independently, without being designed for a specific Ex Equipment.
A safety device can be a measure to achieve a required EPL of the Ex Equipment with respect to a potential ignition source. The combination of the safety device and the Ex Equipment could then comply with the relevant standards of the IEC 60079 series and the ISO 80079 series with respect to the Equipment Protection Level. However, increasing the EPL of Ex Equipment by the simple addition of a safety device is not within the scope of this Technical Specification.
This Technical Specification does not apply to:
? mechanical control equipment such as pressure relief valves, mechanical governors and other mechanical safety devices
? the use of gas detection
? control equipment to prevent the occurrence of explosive atmospheres, e.g. inerting systems and ventilation systems
? mitigation of an explosion
归口单位: TC 31