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现行 ASTM C1531-22
Standard Test Methods for In Situ Measurement of Masonry Mortar Joint Shear Strength Index 砌体砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数现场测量的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2022-12-01
1.1 这些试验方法包括确定现有无钢筋实心砌块和用粘土或混凝土砌块建造的非灌浆空心砌块砌体的平均原位砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数的程序。提供了三种方法: 1.1.1 方法A(使用平板千斤顶控制法向压缩应力)- 用于在试验过程中使用试验方法中所述的千斤顶方法控制试验现场的正常压应力状态时确定砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数 第197页 在整个试验过程中,监测试验装置的水平位移。方法A的测试设置如所示 图1 . 图1 测试设置方法A 注1: 一篇论文 2. 由Pavia大学的Francesco Grazioti等人在ASTM STP 1612中讨论了解释方法A测试结果的替代方法。 1.1.2 方法B(无控制正常压缩应力的千斤顶)- 当使用试验场地位置处的正常压缩应力估计值时,用于确定砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数。在此过程中,不监测测试装置的水平位移。方法B的测试设置如 图2 . 图2 测试设置方法B 1.1.3 方法C(平板千斤顶施加水平荷载)- 使用试验场地位置处的正常抗压应力估算值确定砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数,如 图3 在此过程中,通常不测量测试装置的水平位移。 图3 测试设置方法C 1.2 本标准文本指提供说明材料的注释和脚注。 这些注释和脚注(不包括表和图中的注释和脚注)不应视为本标准的要求。 1.3 以英寸-磅单位表示的值应视为标准值。括号中给出的值是对SI单位的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准值。 1.4 本标准并不旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前建立适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《国际标准、指南和建议制定原则决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 =====意义和用途====== 5.1 该试验方法提供了一种评估现有无筋砌体组件中砂浆接缝水平面内剪切性能的方法(见 注2 ). 注2: 通过该试验方法获得的砌体砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数可通过参考规范和标准中包含的关系与砌体墙抗剪强度相关。例如,《国际现有建筑规范》第A1章和ASCE标准ASCE/SEI 41《现有建筑抗震评估和改造》第11章中提供了与剪力指数和墙体抗剪强度相关的公式。本标准的使用者应注意,这些抗剪强度关系通常是基于20世纪初试验的经验关系- 世纪未加固砖砌体。这些关系通常假设,墙体抗剪强度受砂浆接缝的剪切力限制,而不是通过单元的剪切力 5.2 对于空心非灌浆或实心砌块砌体结构,抗剪强度指数仅针对与被测砌块垂直相邻的砂浆层接缝进行测量。当测试空心非灌浆砌体结构时,抗剪强度指数基于砂浆和测试单元之间的水平界面以及测试单元上方和下方的砌体。在多层结构的情况下,测得的砂浆接缝抗剪强度指数仅适用于试验装置所在的多层结构;测试装置上方或下方不得有集管。忽略了任何现有环缝砂浆对测得抗剪强度指数的贡献,这可能会导致对抗剪强度指标的高估(参见 注3 ). 注3: 参考该试验方法的一些文件,包括ASCE/SEI 41,包括一个折减系数,以说明填充套环接头对测量抗剪强度指数的贡献。 5.3 方法A中列出的试验程序可作为试验方法的扩展进行 第197页 .根据测试方法进行的两个千斤顶测试 第197页 ,提供了方法A所需测试设置的一半 第197页 以及 第1531页 方法A试验,可以了解试验时砌体的变形能力以及预期接缝抗剪强度指数与正常抗压应力之间的关系。
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the determination of the average in situ mortar joint shear strength index in existing unreinforced solid-unit and ungrouted hollow-unit masonry built with clay or concrete units. Three methods are provided: 1.1.1 Method A (with Flatjacks Controlling Normal Compressive Stress)— For determining mortar joint shear strength index when the state of normal compressive stress at the test site is controlled during the test using the flatjack method described in Test Method C1197 . Horizontal displacement of the test unit is monitored throughout the test. The test setup for Method A is shown in Fig. 1 . FIG. 1 Test Setup—Method A Note 1: A paper 2 by Francesco Graziotti et. al of Univ. of Pavia included in ASTM STP 1612 discusses alternative methods for interpreting Method A testing results. 1.1.2 Method B (without Flatjacks Controlling Normal Compressive Stress)— For determining mortar joint shear strength index when using an estimate of the normal compressive stress at the location of the test site. Horizontal displacement of the test unit is not monitored during this procedure. The test set up for Method B is shown in Fig. 2 . FIG. 2 Test Setup—Method B 1.1.3 Method C (with Flatjack Applying Horizontal Load)— For determining mortar joint shear strength index using an estimate of the normal compressive stress at the location of the test site, as shown in Fig. 3 . Horizontal displacement of the test unit is generally not measured during this procedure. FIG. 3 Test Setup—Method C 1.2 The text of this standard refers to notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. 1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method provides a means of evaluating the horizontal in-plane shear behavior of mortar joints in existing unreinforced masonry assemblies (see Note 2 ). Note 2: The masonry mortar joint shear strength index obtained by this test method can be related to the masonry wall shear strength by relationships contained in referencing Codes and Standards. For example, formulas relating shear index to wall shear strength are found in Chapter A1 of the International Existing Building Code and Chapter 11 of the Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 41. The user of this standard is cautioned that these shear strength relationships are typically empirical relationships based on tests of early 20th-century unreinforced brick masonry. These relationships typically assume that wall shear strength is limited by shear of the mortar joints rather than shear through the units 5.2 For hollow ungrouted or solid unit masonry construction the shear strength index is measured only for the mortar bed joints vertically adjacent to the unit being tested. When testing hollow ungrouted masonry construction, the shear strength index is based on the horizontal interface between the mortar and the test unit and the masonry above and below the test unit. In the case of multi-wythe construction, the measured mortar joint shear strength index is applicable only to the wythe in which the test unit is located; no headers shall exist immediately above or below the test unit. The contribution of any existing collar joint mortar to the measured shear strength index is neglected, and this may lead to an overestimate of the shear strength index (see Note 3 ). Note 3: Some documents that reference this test method, including ASCE/SEI 41, include a reduction factor to account for the contribution of a filled collar joint to the measured shear strength index. 5.3 The test procedure listed for Method A may be conducted as an extension of Test Method C1197 . The two-flatjack test, conducted in accordance with Test Method C1197 , provides half of the required test setup for Method A. At the completion of both the C1197 and the C1531 Method A test, one would know the deformability of the masonry at the test and the relationship between the expected joint shear strength index and the normal compressive stress.
归口单位: C15.04