Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines — Part 1: Common safety requirements
ISO 8230-1:2008规定了干洗机的通用安全要求。适用于工业和商业用各种尺寸的干洗机,用于清洁由纺织品、皮革、毛皮和皮肤制成的物品,仅使用全氯乙烯或可燃溶剂作为清洁介质。
不适用于:供公众使用的机器(自助式);障碍机;转载机;熨烫机(见ISO 10472-1和ISO 10472-6);辅助设备,例如房间通风设备、蒸馏器的废物回收系统、外部水冷却系统或用于从蒸馏器污泥中回收溶剂的外部系统。
ISO 8230-1:2008涉及使用干洗机产生的所有重大危险,其中“干洗机的使用”包括预期用途和可预见的异常情况,包括调试、使用和维护。它定义了干洗机的通用安全要求,并打算与ISO 8230?2和ISO 8230?3(如相关)结合使用。ISO 8230-2和ISO 8230-3中的具体要求优先于ISO 8230-1中的相应要求。
ISO 8230-1:2008不涉及因加工可能产生爆炸性环境的物品(例如:。
g、 打印机的雨刮器(含有低闪蒸溶剂),也不带有可能含有“外来溶剂”的机器处理负载,这可能会导致清洗溶剂的性质(特性)发生变化,例如导致起泡或致癌。
ISO 8230-1:2008 specifies common safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines. It is applicable to dry-cleaning machines of all sizes intended for industrial and commercial use for the cleaning of articles made of textile, leather, furs and skins, using exclusively either perchloroethylene or combustible solvent as the cleaning medium.
It is not applicable to: machines placed at the disposal of the general public (self-service); barrier machines; transfer machines; ironing presses (see ISO 10472-1 and ISO 10472-6); ancillary equipment, e.g. room ventilation equipment, waste recuperation systems of the still, external water cooling systems or external systems for solvent recovery from the still sludge.
ISO 8230-1:2008 deals with all significant hazards arising from the use of the dry?cleaning machine, where “use of the dry?cleaning machine” comprises both intended use and foreseeable abnormal situations and includes commissioning, use and maintenance. It defines the common safety requirements for dry?cleaning machines and is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 8230?2 and ISO 8230?3, as relevant. Specific requirements in ISO 8230?2 and ISO 8230?3 take precedence over the respective requirements of ISO 8230-1.
ISO 8230-1:2008 does not deal with hazards caused by processing items that can create an explosive atmosphere (e.g. printers' wipers containing a low-flash solvent), nor with machines processing loads that can contain “foreign solvents”, which could lead to a change in a property (characteristic) of the cleaning solvent, e.g. cause foaming or make it carcinogenic.