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现行 LB-17-019
Energy and Control Performance Investigation of Air-Handling Units with Return-Air Bypass 带回风旁路的空气处理机组能量与控制性能研究
节能标准的采用通过减少围护结构传热和内部热增益,显著降低了建筑能耗。这些节能措施不仅降低了电力负荷,还降低了冷却负荷和送风量。另一方面,对于所有建筑类型,始终需要最小气流速率。因此,在传统空气处理机组(AHU)的部分空间冷负荷下,通常需要额外的再热来维持最小气流设定点,这可能会降低能效措施的有效性。带回风旁路(RAB)的AHU提供了一种替代方案,可在具有良好空间湿度控制的最小气流速率下减少额外的再热和过度冷却。然而,由于性能数据不足,带RAB的AHU仍然没有得到广泛应用。本研究的目的是通过仿真研究带有RAB的AHU在不同运行条件下的能量和控制性能。 首先,建立了空气处理机组的热力模型和仿真方法,然后对系统性能(包括再热负荷、冷负荷和空间湿度)进行了仿真。模拟结果表明,当空间冷负荷在100%到15%之间变化,空间显热比在0.9到0.7之间变化时,所研究的带RAB的空气处理机组能够很好地保持所需的空间湿度,而无需额外的再热和过冷。引文:ASHRAE Transactions,第123卷,pt。2.
The adoption of energy-efficient standards significantly cut the energy consumption in buildings by reducing envelope heat transfer and internal heat gain. These energy efficiency measures reduce not only the electrical load, but also the cooling load as well as the supply airflow rate. On the other hand, a minimum airflow rate is always required for all building types. As a result, additional reheat is typically required to maintain the minimum airflow set point under partial spacecooling loads for conventional air-handling units (AHUs) and may degrade the effectiveness of energy efficiency measures. The AHUs with return-air bypass (RAB) provides an alternative to reduce additional reheatingandovercooling at the minimum airflow rate with good space humidity control. However, because of insufficient performance data, the AHUs with RAB are still not widely applied.Thepurpose of this study is to investigate the energy and control performance of the AHUs with RABunderdifferent operating conditionsthroughsimulations. First, the AHU thermodynamic models and simulation approaches are developed, and then the system performance, including reheating and cooling loads and space humidity, is simulatedona pseudo-AHU.Thesimulation results reveal that the studied AHU with RAB can well maintain the desired space humidity without the additional reheating and overcooling as the space cooling load varies from 100% to 15% and space sensible heat ratio varies from 0.9 to 0.7.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类