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现行 TAPPI T 549 om-20
Coefficients of Static and Kinetic Friction of Uncoated Writing and Printing Paper by Use of the Horizontal Plane Method 用水平面法测定无涂层书写纸和印刷纸的静摩擦系数和动摩擦系数
该方法描述了一种水平面程序,用于确定静摩擦系数和静摩擦系数 纸张在自身滑动时测得的动摩擦力。水平仪器需要试样相对于表面的某种移动方式 它所依靠的。摩擦系数(COF)直接从对切向运动的阻力和将两张纸压在一起所施加的重量来测量。静态COF与在两个表面之间启动运动所需的力有关,而动态COF 与使匀速运动持续所需的力有关。TAPPI T 815“静态系数”中描述了包装材料COF的测定 包装和包装材料(包括运输袋纸、瓦楞纸板和实心纤维板)的摩擦(滑动角)(斜面法)。“在测试包装材料的方法中,测力通常在第三张卡纸上进行,而在这种方法中,测力是在第一张卡纸上进行的。
This method describes a horizontal plane procedure for the determination of the coefficient of static and kinetic friction of paper measured when sliding against itself.The horizontal instrument requires some means of movement of the specimen in relation to the surface upon which it rests. The coefficient of friction (COF) is measured directly from the resistance to tangential motion and the applied weight pressing two pieces of paper together.Static COF relates to the force required to initiate movement between two surfaces while kinetic COF relates to the force required to cause continuation of the movement at uniform speed.The determinations of COF for packaging materials is described in TAPPI T 815 "Coefficient of Static Friction (Slide Angle) of Packaging and Packaging Materials (Including Shipping Sack Papers, Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard) (Inclined Plane Method)." In the method for testing packaging materials, the force measurement is often made on the third slip, while in this method the determination is made on the first slip.