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现行 AWWA ACE91062
Disinfection By-Products Precursor Removal by GAC and Alum Coagulation GAC和明矾混凝去除消毒副产物前体
发布日期: 1991-01-01
本文的目的是展示凝聚+沉淀+过滤和GAC吸附研究中DBP前体去除的结果。混凝+沉淀+过滤结果包括最近启动的研究中的一些数据,这些研究旨在确定增加明矾剂量对DBP前体去除的有效性,而无需调整pH值以优化浊度去除。这些研究最初涉及三卤甲烷及其前体和溶解有机碳(DOC),但后来扩展到包括总有机卤素(TOX)、卤乙酸(HAAS)、卤乙腈(HANS)、卤酮、水合氯醛、氯化苦、醛类及其前体。在两种条件下测量DBP前体: 辛辛那提水厂的最大实际分配条件和环境分配条件。基于最大条件的前体估计用于评估季节变化。建立了环境模拟分布,以表示在实际存在的条件下,在分布系统结束时将转化为DBPs的前体浓度。
The purpose of this paper is to present DBP precursor removal results from studies for both coagulation plus sedimentation plus filtration and GAC adsorption. The coagulation plus sedimentation plus filtration results include some data from recently initiated studies designed to determine the effectiveness of increased alum doses, without pH adjustment for optimization of turbidity removal, on DBP precursor removal. The studies initially dealt with trihalomethanes, their precursors, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), but were expanded to include total organic halogen (TOX), the haloacetic acids (HAAS), haloacetonitriles (HANS), haloketones, chloral hydrate, chloropicrin, aldehydes and their precursors. DBP precursors were measured under two conditions: maximum practical distribution conditions and ambient distribution conditions at the Cincinnati Water Works. An estimate of the precursors based on the maximum conditions is used to evaluate seasonal changes. The ambient simulated distribution was established to represent precursor concentrations that would be converted to DBPs by the end of the distribution system under conditions actually present.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会