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现行 ISO 19162:2019
Geographic information — Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems 地理信息 - 坐标参考系统的众所周知的文本表示
发布日期: 2019-07-11
本文件定义了ISO 19111中描述的坐标参考系抽象模型的文本字符串实现的结构和内容。该字符串以一种自包含的形式定义了经常需要的坐标参考系类型和坐标操作,机器和人类都可以轻松阅读。其本质是简单;因此,ISO 19111中允许的更开放的内容有一些限制。为了保持坐标参考系和坐标操作的公知文本(WKT)描述的简单性,本文件的范围不包括参数分组和传递- 通过协调行动。文本字符串为人类和机器提供了一种方法,可以正确、明确地解释和使用坐标参考系定义,并仅通过查找或交叉引用来定义坐标运算数学。WKT字符串不适合存储坐标参考系或坐标操作的定义,因为它忽略了有关数据源的元数据,并且可能忽略了有关信息适用性的元数据。
This document defines the structure and content of a text string implementation of the abstract model for coordinate reference systems described in ISO 19111. The string defines frequently needed types of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations in a self-contained form that is easily readable by machines and by humans. The essence is its simplicity; as a consequence there are some constraints upon the more open content allowed in ISO 19111. To retain simplicity in the well-known text (WKT) description of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations, the scope of this document excludes parameter grouping and pass-through coordinate operations. The text string provides a means for humans and machines to correctly and unambiguously interpret and utilise a coordinate reference system definition with look-ups or cross references only to define coordinate operation mathematics. A WKT string is not suitable for the storage of definitions of coordinate reference systems or coordinate operations because it omits metadata about the source of the data and may omit metadata about the applicability of the information.
归口单位: ISO/TC 211