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现行 SAE J2727_202309
Mobile Air Conditioning System Refrigerant Emissions Estimate for Mobile Air Conditioning Refrigerants 移动空调系统制冷剂排放量估算
发布日期: 2023-09-06
此处包含的系统排放图旨在用作估算配备特定部件技术的新生产A/C系统的年制冷剂排放率(克/年)的方法。它提供了目前可用的各种组件技术的排放值,并且可以随着新技术的商业化而扩展。本文档提供了开发用于系统排放分析的Excel文件模板系统排放图表的信息。该图表包括用于传统移动空调系统的汽车压缩机技术,以及使用半密封压缩机的技术。完全密封的压缩机将工作的电动压缩机包含在焊接的外壳内,该外壳允许很少(如果有的话)典型的排放,并且这种类型的压缩机的排放值作为低的固定值添加。本标准可视为SAE J2763的配套文件。SAE J2727估计了系统排放,考虑了生产装配的变化,并考虑了在车辆最终装配之前经过100%氦气泄漏测试的部件。SAE J2064的结果用于更好地表示该版本中不同软管材料和接头配置的渗透排放。SAE J2763可用于量化来自正确组装的系统的排放。 此估计不适用于使用尚未表征和包含在电子表格计算中的密封技术的系统,例如R-744密封设计。
The system emissions chart contained herein is intended to serve as a means of estimating the annual refrigerant emission rate (grams per year) from new production A/C systems equipped with specified component technologies. It provides emission values for various component technologies that are currently available and can be expanded as new technologies are commercialized. This document provides the information to develop an Excel file template system emissions chart for system emission analysis. The chart includes automotive compressor technologies for conventional mobile air conditioning systems, as well as those using semi-hermetic compressors. Fully hermetic compressors contain the working electric compressor within a welded housing that allows little if any typical emissions and the emission value for this type of compressor is added as low, fixed value. This standard can be considered a companion document to SAE J2763. SAE J2727 estimates system emissions, taking into account production assembly variation and accounts for components that are 100% helium leak tested prior to vehicle final assembly. The results from SAE J2064 are used to better represent permeation emissions from different hose material and coupling configurations in this version. SAE J2763 may be used to quantify emissions from properly assembled systems. This estimate is does not apply to systems that use sealing technology that has not been characterized and included in the spreadsheet calculation, such as R-744 sealing designs.
归口单位: AUTOC