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现行 ISO 24032:2021
Soil quality — In situ caging of snails to assess bioaccumulation of contaminants 土壤质量.现场封闭蜗牛以评估污染物的生物累积
发布日期: 2021-12-08
本文件描述了一种评估蜗牛体内化学物质生物累积的方法,即蜗牛组织中累积的金属(loid)s(ME)或有机化合物[例如多环芳烃(PAHs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)]的浓度。 本文件介绍了如何准备蜗牛进行28天的就地圈养,现场试验设计,以及如何收集和准备蜗牛,直到保存和进一步分析。如果有必要进行累积动力学研究,也可以在暴露期间的不同时间点对蜗牛进行采样。 本文件不包括分析方法。样品的制备(提取和矿化)和化学品的定量不在本文件的范围内。 该方法适用于不同用途(农业、工业、住宅、森林、修复前后、潜在污染场地等)的土壤。 )和废料,最好有植被和/或腐殖质覆盖。 该方法适用于某些温度限制(无霜期,即温带地区主要从4月到10月)。 或者(见附录I),该方法可在实验室中用于评估仅接触土壤的蜗牛的污染物累积[以及选择性地评估ME、PAH、PCB的过量转移(SET)指数之和]。
This document describes a method to assess the bioaccumulation of chemicals in snails, i.e. concentrations of metal(loid)s (ME) or organic compounds [e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)] accumulated in their tissues. This document presents how to prepare snails for caging in situ for 28 days, the in situ test design and then how to collect and prepare the snails until conservation and further analysis. If a kinetic study of accumulation is necessary, sampling of snails at different time-points during exposure is possible as well [13],[19],[22]. This document excludes analytical methods. Preparation (extraction and mineralization) of the samples and quantification of chemicals are not in the scope of the present document. The method is applicable for soils under different uses (agricultural, industrial, residential, forests, before and after remediation, on potentially contaminated sites, etc.) and waste materials [8],[10], preferably with vegetation and/or humus cover. The method is applicable subject to certain limits of temperature (frost-free period, i.e. mainly from April to October in temperate region). Optionally (see Annex I), the method can be used in the laboratory to evaluate the accumulation of contaminants [and optionally, the sum of excess of transfer (SET) index for ME, PAH, PCB] of snails exposed only to soil.
归口单位: ISO/TC 190/SC 4