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现行 ISO 4333:2022
Textiles — Determination of reduction activity of specific proteins derived from pollen, mite and other sources on textile products 纺织品.来自花粉、螨虫和其他来源的特定蛋白质对纺织品还原活性的测定
发布日期: 2022-07-08
本文件规定了测定纺织品对显示抗原抗体反应的特定蛋白质还原活性的试验方法。本文件仅规定了对纺织品表面蛋白质的还原活性。它没有规定评估人类过敏反应的测试方法。 显示抗原抗体反应的特定蛋白质是来自花粉、螨虫和其他来源的蛋白质。其他特定蛋白质可在本文件中描述的适当验证后使用。 酶联免疫吸附试验用于量化本文件中这些蛋白质的数量。 本文件适用于纺织产品,包括机织物、针织物和非织造布、纤维、纱线、编织物等。
This document specifies a test method for the determination of reduction activity of textile products against specific proteins which shows antigen-antibody reaction. This document only specifies the reduction activity against those proteins on the surface of textile products. It does not specify a testing method to evaluate the allergenic reaction against human beings. Specific proteins which show antigen-antibody reaction are proteins derived from pollen, mite and other sources. Other specific proteins can be used after appropriate validation described in this document. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is used to quantify the amount of those proteins in this document. This document is applicable to textile products include woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics, fibres, yarns, braids, etc.
归口单位: ISO/TC 38