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现行 OR-20-C057
Restroom Ventilation Schemes: Energy Implications 卫生间通风方案:能源影响
卫生间排气控制异味是通风的基本实践。本文从能源角度比较了私人卫生间的几种通风方案。为单用户卫生间创建了能源需求模型,每天使用5次。每天10次,每天15次。模拟了多种美国气候。排气方案包括(a)最小空气流量为25 cfm(12.5 L/s)的连续通风,(b)6 ACH时的连续通风,(c)10 ACH时的连续通风(d)最小空气流量为50 cfm(25 L/s)的间歇通风,(e)6 ACH时的间歇通风,(f)10 ACH时的间歇通风,以及(g)15 ACH时的间歇通风。与25 cfm(12.5 L/s)连续模型相比,具有50 cfm(25 L/s)间歇系统的模型的平均能量需求减少77%。 与6 ACH或10 ACH连续模型相比,具有6 ACH或10 ACH间歇系统的模型的平均能量需求减少89%。与25 cfm(12.5升/秒)连续模式相比,15 ACH间歇模式的能源需求减少了14%。引用:佛罗里达州奥兰多2020年冬季会议论文
Restroom exhaust to control odors is a fundamental practice of ventilation. In this paper, a number of ventilation schemes for private restrooms are compared from an energy perspective. Energy demand models were created for a single-user restroom, with 5 uses per day. 10 uses per day, and 15 uses per day. Multiple US climates were modeled. Exhaust scenarios included (a) continuous ventilation with minimum air 25 cfm (12.5 L/s), (b) continuous ventilation at 6 ACH, (c) continuous ventilation at 10 ACH (d) intermittent ventilation with minimum air 50 cfm (25 L/s), (e) intermittent ventilation at 6 ACH, (f) intermittnat ventilation, at 10 ACH, and (g) intermittent ventilation at 15 ACH. The models with 50 cfm (25 L/s) intermittent systems had an average of 77% less energy demand than the 25 cfm (12.5 L/s) continuous models. The models with 6 ACH or 10 ACH intermittent system had an average of 89% less energy demand than the 6 ACH or 10 ACH continuous models. The 15 ACH intermittent models had 14% less energy demand than the 25 cfm (12.5 L/s) continuous models.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类