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现行 DC-83-06-1
The Effect of Moderate Temperature Effluents on Selected Materials Used in Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Equipment--Project Procedures and Summary 中温废水对空气-空气能量回收设备所用选定材料的影响——项目程序和总结
本文总结了曼尼托巴大学与ASHRAE研究加拿大公司签订的一项研究项目,以确定从选定的商业和工业环境或过程中的排气中的可冷凝组分及其代表性浓度。研究的商业热回收应用是厨房(快餐店)和浓烟区(休息室)的废气。研究的工业应用包括纸浆和纸张(热机械制浆和干燥)以及工业金属涂装(应用和干燥)产生的废气。一栋办公楼排出的废气被用作控制。有关相应材料试样上沉积物的化学分析和冶金检查的详细信息以及结果,请参阅配套文件。 引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1983年,第89卷,pt。华盛顿特区2B。
This paper summarizes a research project conducted by the University of Manitoba under contract with ASHRAE Research Canada, Inc., to identify the condensable components and their representative concentrations in the exhaust from selected commercial and industrial environments or processes. The commercial heat recovery applications studied were exhausts from kitchens (fast food restaurants) and areas of heavy smoking (a lounge). Industrial applications investigated were exhausts from pulp and paper (thermal mechanical pulping and drying) and industrial metal painting (application and drying). The exhaust from an office type building was used as a control. Details of chemical analyses and metallurgical examination of the deposits on test coupons of respresentative material and the results are described in companion papers.
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