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现行 ISO 56006:2021
Innovation management — Tools and methods for strategic intelligence management — Guidance 创新管理.战略情报管理的工具和方法.指南
发布日期: 2021-11-19
本文件提供了在创新管理中支持战略情报的指南。其目的是在战略和行动层面解决以下有关战略情报的领域: -?制定战略情报管理战略,支持组织创新; -?建立战略情报管理,以支持创新管理体系和相关创新流程内的创新活动和倡议; -?运用战略情报工具和方法,支持创新管理体系和相关创新过程中的创新活动和倡议。 战略情报本质上是横向和跨部门的。它不仅限于创新活动,而且可以应用于战略决策需要知识的所有领域- 做出和随后的行动。 本文件不适用于: -?认证; -?数据保护。
This document provides guidelines for supporting strategic intelligence within innovation management. It aims at addressing the following areas concerning strategic intelligence at strategic and operational levels: —    creating a strategic intelligence management strategy to support innovation in an organization; —    establishing strategic intelligence management in support of the innovation activities and initiatives within the innovation management system and the related innovation processes; —    applying strategic intelligence tools and methods in support of the innovation activities and initiatives within the innovation management system and the related innovation processes. Strategic intelligence is transversal and cross-sectorial by nature. It is not limited to innovation activities and can apply to all areas where knowledge is required for strategic decision-making and consequent actions. This document is not applicable to: —    certification; —    data protection.
归口单位: ISO/TC 279