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现行 NY-08-033
On-Site Experimental Validation of a Coupled Multizone and CFD Model for Building Contaminant Transport Simulations 用于建筑污染物传输模拟的多区域耦合CFD模型的现场实验验证
以往的研究表明,多区域和CFD(计算流体动力学)模型的耦合可以在精度和所需计算时间之间提供良好的折衷。结果表明,对于靠近污染源位置的区域,耦合模型比单独的多区域模型更准确地预测污染物的分布。对于所有其他区域,多区域模型的表现与耦合模型类似或略好。与CFD单独计算相比,耦合模型的计算时间较低,而与多区域单独计算相比,耦合模型的计算时间较高。这些观察结果显示了精度和计算速度之间的权衡。本文给出了现场试验的结果,以进一步验证耦合模型的性能。在一个真实的办公空间中,测量污染物浓度、温度和HVAC供应气流速率,以验证耦合方法与新提出的间接验证方法。 该方法包括CFD模型的实验验证,以及耦合多区和CFD模型的数值验证。总体而言,进行的验证表明,耦合多区和CFD模型给出了良好的结果。因此,开发的间接验证方法可以应用于其他研究,以评估多区域或耦合多区域和CFD模型的性能。单位:SICitation:ASHRAE Transactions,第114卷,pt。2008年1月1日,纽约
Previous studies indicated that the coupling of multizone and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) models can provide a good compromise between the accuracy and required computation time. The results show that the coupled model predicts contaminant distribution more accurately than multizone model alone for the zones close to the contaminant source location. For all other zones, the multizone models performed similarly or slightly better than the coupled model. The computational time of the coupled model is lower when compared to CFD alone and higher when compared to multizone alone. These observations show tradeoffs between accuracy and calculation speed. This paper presents results of onsite field experiments conducted to further validate the performance of the coupled model. In a real office space, contaminant concentration, temperature, and HVAC supply airflow rate are measured to validate the coupling method with a newly proposed indirect validation method. This method is composed of an experimental validation for the CFD model, and a numerical validation of the coupled multizone and CFD model. Overall, the conducted validation shows that the coupled multizone and CFD model gives good results. Therefore, the developed indirect validation method can be applied to other studies to evaluate the performance of multizone or coupled multizone and CFD models.Units: SI
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类