This standard defines a network protocol, the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), enabling accurate and precise synchronization of the real-time clocks of devices in networked distributed systems. The protocol is applicable to systems where devices communicate via networks, including Ethernet. The standard allows multicast communication, unicast communication or both. The standard specifies requirements for mapping the protocol to specific network implementations and defines such mappings, including User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/Internet Protocol (IP versions 4 and 6), and layer-2 IEEE 802.3 Ethernet.Cross References:IEC 61158-3-2:2007IEC 61158-4-2:2007IEC 61158-5-2:2007IEC 61158-5-10:2007IEC 61158-6-2:2007IEC 61158-6-10:2007IEC 61784-1:2007IEC 61784-2:2007IEC 62026-3:2008IEEE Std 802IEEE Std 802.1ABTMIEEE Std 802.1QTM-2005IEEE Std 802.3TM-2005ISO/IEC 10646:2003IETF RFC 768 (1980)IETF RFC 791 (1981)IETF RFC 1305 (1992)IETF RFC 1589 (1994)IETF RFC 1624 (1994)IETF RFC 2104 (1997)IETF RFC 2404 (1998)IETF RFC 2460 (1998)IETF RFC 2783 (2000)IETF RFC 4291 (2006)ISO/IEC GUIDE 99:2007ISO/IEC 9945:2003ISO 8601:2004ITU-T Recommendation G.810All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.