The data-link layer provides basic time-critical messaging communications between devices in an automation environment.
This protocol provides communication opportunities to all participating data-link entitiesa) in a synchronously-starting cyclic manner, according to a pre-established schedule, andb) in a cyclic or acyclic asynchronous manner, as requested each cycle by each of those data-link entities.
Thus this protocol can be characterized as one which provides cyclic and acyclic access asynchronously but with a synchronous restart of each cycle.Cross References:IEC 61158-4-16:2007EN 61158-4-16:2008ISO/IEC 7498-3IEEE Std 802.3ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3RFC 879ISO/IEC 7498-1IEEE 802.3ISO 8601EN 61158-6-19EN 61158-3-19IEC 61158-5-19IEC 61784-2EN 61784-2IEC 61131IEC 61800-7-20x1IEC 61158-6-19IEC 61131 (all parts)IEC 61800-7EN 61800-7EN 61158-5-16IEC 61158-3-19EN 61158-1IEC 61784-1IEC 61158-5-16EN 61158-6-16EN 61784-1IEC 61158-1EN 61158-5-19IEC 61158-6-16EN 61131IEC 61800-7 (all parts)Replaces BS EN 61158-4-19:2014 which remains currentAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.