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现行 BS ISO 16000-33:2017
Indoor air-Determination of phthalates with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 室内空气
发布日期: 2017-08-25
BS ISO 16000-33:2017规定了室内空气中邻苯二甲酸盐的采样和分析,并描述了 室内灰尘和溶剂擦拭表面样品中邻苯二甲酸酯的取样和分析 气相色谱/质谱法。两种可选的采样和处理方法,其可比性已在一轮测试中得到证明 robin试验是针对室内空气[4]规定的。可使用吸附剂管进行采样,并进行后续处理 热解吸和GC-MS分析。或者,取样可以采用其他类型的吸附剂 随后用GC进行溶剂萃取分析的试管- MS.根据取样方法,化合物为邻苯二甲酸二甲酯至邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯 可按照附录C[8]中所述对室内灰尘进行分析。对室内灰尘样本的调查正在进行中 仅适用于筛查方法。该调查仅得出指示性值,不适用于 可接受对潜在行动需求的最终评估。可在溶剂擦拭样品中分析邻苯二甲酸二甲酯至邻苯二甲酸二异丙酯,如中所述 附录B.溶剂擦拭样品适用于非定量来源识别。注:原则上,该方法也适用于其他邻苯二甲酸盐、己二酸盐和环己烷的分析 二羧酸酯,但通过测定每种情况下的性能特征可以证实这一点。关于邻苯二甲酸酯的一般信息见附录A。交叉引用:ISO 16000-6:2011 Ed 2ISO 16000-1:2004 Ed 1(R08)ISO 16000-5:2007(R10)Ed 1ISO 18856:2004 Ed 1(R08)购买本文件时,所有当前可用的修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 16000-33:2017 specifies the sampling and analysis of phthalates in indoor air and describes the sampling and analysis of phthalates in house dust and in solvent wipe samples of surfaces by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.Two alternative sampling and processing methods, whose comparability has been proven in a round robin test, are specified for indoor air[4]. Sampling can take place using sorbent tubes with subsequent thermal desorption and GC-MS analysis. Alternatively, sampling can take on other types of sorbent tubes that are subsequently analysed by solvent extraction with GC-MS.Depending on the sampling method, the compounds dimethyl phthalate to diisoundecylphthalate can be analysed in house dust as described in Annex C[8]. The investigation of house dust samples is only appropriate as a screening method. This investigation only results in indicative values and is not acceptable for a final assessment of a potential need for action.Dimethyl phthalate to diisoundecylphthalate can be analysed in solvent wipe samples as described in Annex B. Solvent wipe samples are suitable for non-quantitative source identification.NOTE In principle, the method is also suitable for the analysis of other phthalates, adipates and cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid esters, but this is confirmed by determination of the performance characteristics in each case.General information on phthalates are given in Annex A.Cross References:ISO 16000-6:2011 Ed 2ISO 16000-1:2004 Ed 1 (R08)ISO 16000-5:2007(R10) Ed 1ISO 18856:2004 Ed 1 (R08)All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会
GOST R ISO 16000-33-2020
Воздух замкнутых помещений. Часть 33. Определение содержания фталатов методом газовой хроматографии/масс-спектрометрии (ГХ/МС)
ISO 16000-33-2024
Indoor air — Part 33: Determination of phthalates with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
DIN ISO 16000-33
Indoor air - Part 33: Determination of phthalates with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) (ISO 16000-33:2017)
室内空气.第33部分:用气相色谱/质谱法(GC/MS)测定邻苯二甲酸酯(ISO 16000-33-2017)
BS ISO 16000-14-2009
Indoor air-Determination of total (gas and particle-phase) polychlorinated dioxin-like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs). Extraction, clean-up and analysis by high-resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
GOST R ISO 16000-14-2013
Воздух замкнутых помещений. Часть 14. Определение общего содержания полихлорированных диоксиноподобных бифенилов (ПХБ) и полихлорированных дибензо-пара-диоксинов/дибензо-фуранов (ПХДД/ПХДФ) (в газообразном состоянии и в виде твердых взвешенных частиц). Экстракция, очистка и анализ методами газовой хроматографии и масс-спектрометрии высокого разрешения
室内空气第14部分(多氯联苯)和多氯二苯并对二恶英/二苯并呋喃(PCDDs/PCDFs)的总(气体和颗粒相)的测定 通过高分辨率气相色谱和质谱法提取 清除和分析
ISO 16000-14-2009
Indoor air — Part 14: Determination of total (gas and particle-phase) polychlorinated dioxin-like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) — Extraction, clean-up and analysis by high-resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
BS 07/30146333 DC
BS ISO 16000-14. Indoor air. Part 14. Determination of total (gas and particle-phase) polychlorinated dioxin- like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo- pdioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs). Extraction, clean- up and analysis by high-resolution gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry
BS ISO 16000-14 室内空气 第14部分 总(气相和颗粒相)多氯联苯(PCBs)和多氯联苯/二苯并呋喃(PCDDs/PCDFs)的测定 通过高分辨率气相色谱/质谱进行萃取、净化和分析
DIN ISO 16000-14
Indoor air - Part 14: Determination of total (gas and particle-phase) polychlorinated dioxin-like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) - Extraction, clean-up and analysis by high-resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (ISO 16000-14:2009)
室内空气.第14部分:总(气相和颗粒相)多氯二恶英类联苯(PCBs)和多氯联苯对二恶英/二苯并呋喃(PCDDs/PCDFs)的测定.高分辨率气相色谱和质谱法的提取、净化和分析(ISO 16000-14-2009)