Intelligent transport systems (ITS). Nomadic device service platform for micro mobility-Functional requirements and dataset definitions
智能交通系统(ITS) 用于微移动的漫游设备服务平台
This document provides definitions of functional requirements for connectivity among nomadic devices, cloud servers and micro mobility during pre-trip, post-trip and while driving, which is defined in ISO/TR 22085-1, and datasets for providing seamless mobility service. In addition, it also delivers related standards required to develop and operate the service platform between a nomadic device and micro mobility with intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies. The functional requirements and the datasets can be used as a measure of exchanging information required to promote micro mobility as a new type of urban and rural transport mode, and so increase the possibility of being included in an integrated mobility and parcel delivery system.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.