This slide presentation outlines information on using continuous monitoring to track water variability in the distribution system. Goals of the YSIE drinking water research initiative include: evaluate effectiveness of existing surface water sensor technology for providing useful information to the drinking water industry; and, develop a new free chlorine sensor which is compatible with existing surface water hardware and carry out long term monitoring studies. Topics covered include: YSI family of multiparameter
sondes; 6920 sensor configuration; typical surface water study with internal logging; typical surface water long term data pattern; YSI 600XLM and 6920 sondes with flow cells; available surface water sensors for slipstream distribution system studies; advantages/limitations of slipstream studies; lab slipstream deployment with data logged internally; water tower deployment with battery power and internal logging; continuous monitoring of safe drinking water; typical water quality parameters with drift data; chlorine monitoring with Hach Kit QC; water tower deployment in Hilliard, Ohio; and, summary of drinking water results.