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现行 DV-80-04-2
Transient Thermal Behavior of an Externally Insulated Massive Building 外保温大型建筑的瞬态热行为
本文报告了国家标准局为研究外保温砌体结构的热性能而进行的一系列试验。在环境室内建造了一个单室试验结构,模拟了各种气候条件,同时监测了试验结构的瞬态热响应。从节能角度研究了夜间机械制冷、夜间通风制冷和模拟被动式太阳能采暖三种方案。结果表明,后两种方案应用于此类结构时,有可能大幅减少,在某些情况下,甚至消除对机械冷却和/或加热能量的需求。 测试结构的实测响应与分析模型预测的响应进行了比较,两者吻合良好。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第86卷,第2部分,科罗拉多州丹佛
This paper reports on a series of tests that were performed at the National Bureau of Standards to investigate the thermal behavior of externally insulated masonry structures. A one-room test structure was built within an environmental chamber and various climatic conditions were simulated while the transient thermal response of the test structure was monitored. Three schemes, night mechanical cooling, night ventilation cooling and simulated passive solar heating were studied with regard to energy conservation. The results indicate that the latter two schemes, when applied to this type of structure, have the potential to substantially reduce and, in some cases, even eliminate the need for mechanical cooling and/or heating energy.The measured response of the test structure is compared with those predicted by an analytical model with excellent agreement.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类