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现行 LV-17-C036
Results from 20 Field Monitoring Projects on Rack and Flight Conveyor Dishwashers in Commercial Kitchens 20个商用厨房机架式和飞行式输送机洗碗机现场监测项目的结果
本报告旨在分享Fisher Nickel Inc.完成的20个现场研究项目的结果,以及操作特征和家用热水(DHW)尺寸信息,以了解各种设施的工作原理和影响。选择用于监控的型号从最小的机架式输送机到最大的飞行式输送机。所有机器的结果均针对每小时冲洗操作的水和能量进行了标准化,以便在不同设备的模型之间进行更好的比较。标准化结果表明,通过使用新型高效洗碗机替换旧的传统洗碗机,可以实现水和能源使用方面60%的平均节约机会。 本研究中监测的平均输送机每年使用92万加仑(3482579升)的水、11.3万千瓦时(406800兆焦耳)的电和10700热(1128850兆焦耳)的天然气。基于Fisher Nickel Inc.广泛的实验室和现场研究(Johnson et al.2013),(Bell et al.2012),(Karas and Fisher 2006),传送式洗碗机是商业厨房中使用的水和能源最密集的设备。引文:2017年冬季会议,内华达州拉斯维加斯,会议论文
This report was devised to share results from 20 field research projects completed by Fisher-Nickel Inc., along with operating characteristics and domestichot water (DHW) sizing information, for a wide array of facilities to understand the workings and impact of conveyor dishwashers. Models selected formonitoring ranged from the smallest rack conveyors to the largest flight-type conveyors. The results for all machines were normalized for water and energyuse per hour of rinse operation to provide a better comparison between models from different facilities. The normalized results demonstrated an averagesavings opportunity of 60% in water and energy use that could be achieved by replacing older conventional dishwashers with new efficient models. Theaverage conveyor monitored in this study used 920,000 gallons (3,482,579 L) of water, 113,000 kWh (406,800 MJ) of electricity and 10,700 therms(1,128,850 MJ) of natural gas per year. Based on Fisher-Nickel Inc.'s extensive lab and field research (Johnson et al. 2013), (Bell et al. 2012),(Karas and Fisher 2006), conveyor dishwashers are the single most combined water-and-energy intensive appliance operating in commercial kitchens.
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