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现行 SF-98-09-2(RP-907)
Simplified Thermal Comfort Evaluation of MRT Gradients and Power Consumption Predicted with the BCAP Methodology 用BCAP方法预测MRT梯度和功耗的简化热舒适性评估
准确预测房间的热舒适性需要仔细考虑房间内的能量平衡。准确的热舒适性分析不仅包括传导、对流和辐射热交换,还包括墙体特性、供暖系统数据和房间几何结构。由于这些计算通常很复杂,没有计算机的帮助,热舒适性计算是不容易完成的。该分析采用的热舒适算法是建筑舒适性分析程序(BCAP)方法,最初是在Jones和Chapman(1994)的指导下开发的,并在Chapman和DeGreef(1997)的指导下进行了修改。该热舒适性评估侧重于使用三种不同供暖系统的两种不同房间几何形状的平均辐射温度梯度和功耗。详细讨论了分析结果。 这种简化的热舒适性评估为设计工程师提供了一种额外的工具,用于确定房间中合适的供暖系统类型。单位:双引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1998年,第104卷,pt。1A,旧金山
Accurately predicting the thermal comfort in a room requires careful consideration of the energy balance in a room. Not only does an accurate thermal comfort analysis include conductive, convective, and radiative heat exchanges, but also wall properties, heating system data, and room geometry. Since these calculations are often complex, thermal comfort calculations are not readily done without the aid of a computer. The thermal comfort algorithm employed for this analysis was the Building Comfort Analysis Program (BCAP) methodology initially developed under Jones and Chapman (1994) and modified under Chapman and DeGreef (1997). This thermal comfort evaluation focuses on the mean radiant temperature gradients and power consumption for two different room geometries using three different heating systems. The results from the analysis are presented with detailed discussion. This simplified thermal comfort evaluation provides the design engineer with an additional tool for determining the appropriate type of heating system in a room.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类