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现行 ISO/TS 11366:2011
Petroleum and related products — Guidance for in-servicing of lubricating oils for steam, gas and combined-cycle turbines 石油及相关产品——蒸汽、燃气和联合循环涡轮机润滑油维修指南
发布日期: 2011-03-16
ISO/TS 11366:2011适用于用作润滑油的矿物油以及用于润滑运行中的蒸汽、燃气和联合循环涡轮机的控制流体。ISO/TS 11366:2011中考虑的润滑剂是在ISO 6743-5中分类并在ISO 8068中规定的润滑剂。 ISO/TS 11366:2011旨在 帮助电力设备操作员评估其设备中的油的状况,并保持油处于可用状态; 帮助用户了解油是如何变质的,并对使用中的油进行有意义的取样和测试。 ISO/TS 11366:2011还提供了关于为最大限度延长使用寿命而采取的纠正措施的说明。
ISO/TS 11366:2011 applies to mineral oils used as lubricating oils and to control fluids used to lubricate steam, gas and combined cycle turbines in service. The lubricants considered in ISO/TS 11366:2011 are those classified in ISO 6743-5 and specified in ISO 8068. ISO/TS 11366:2011 is intended to
  • help power equipment operators evaluate the conditions of the oil in their equipment and maintain the oils in serviceable conditions;
  • help users understand how the oils deteriorate and carry out a meaningful programme of sampling and testing of oils in use.
ISO/TS 11366:2011 also gives instructions with respect to the corrective actions that are taken to maximize service life.
归口单位: ISO/TC 28/SC 4