BS ISO 4301-1:2016建立了基于服务的起重机和机构的一般分类
条件,主要表示为:在起重机规定的设计寿命内进行的工作循环总数;荷载谱系数,代表待处理荷载的相对频率;平均位移。交叉引用:ISO 4306ISO 8686-1:2012ISO 20332:2008购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 4301-1:2016 establishes a general classification of cranes and mechanisms based on the service
conditions, mainly expressed by the following:the total number of working cycles to be carried out during the specified design life of the crane;the load spectrum factor which represents the relative frequencies of loads to be handled;the average displacements.Cross References:ISO 4306ISO 8686-1:2012ISO 20332:2008All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.