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现行 LB-07-046
The Effect of Energy Recovery on Perceived Air Quality, Energy Consumption, and the Economics of an Office Building 能源回收对感知空气质量、能源消耗和办公楼经济性的影响
本文的目的是确定能量轮是否可以改善室内空气相对湿度(RH)和感知空气质量(PAQ),以及降低能耗。TRNSYS计算机包用于模拟北美四个城市(萨斯喀彻温省萨斯卡通、不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华、佛罗里达州坦帕和亚利桑那州菲尼克斯)的办公楼。对比有无能量轮的结果,看能量轮是否对建筑的相对湿度和PAQ有显著影响。能量轮显著降低坦帕和凤凰城的峰值相对湿度水平,在萨斯卡通的影响较小。能源车轮减少了这些城市空间内对PAQ不满的人数。 而在凤凰城的空调系统中,使用萨斯卡通的总能量会减少。萨斯卡通的加热设备和菲尼克斯和坦帕的冷却设备的尺寸都显著减小。成本分析表明,在这三个城市,包括能源轮在内的暖通空调系统的生命周期成本最低。在温哥华,能量轮对室内相对湿度、PAQ、能耗和寿命周期成本的影响可以忽略不计。单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第113卷,第。2.
The objectives of this paper are to determine if an energy wheel can improve indoor air relative humidity (RH) and perceived air quality (PAQ), as well as reduce energy consumption. The TRNSYS computer package is used to model an office building in four North American cities (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Vancouver, British Columbia; Tampa, Florida; and Phoenix, Arizona). The results with and without an energy wheel are compared to see if the energy wheel has a significant impact on the RH and PAQ in the building. The energy wheel significantly reduces peak RH levels in Tampa and Phoenix and has a smaller effect in Saskatoon. The energy wheel reduces the number of people that are dissatisfied with the PAQ within the space in these cities. By using an energy wheel, the total energy consumed by the HVAC system in Saskatoon, Phoenix, and Tampa is reduced. There is a significant reduction in the size of the heating equipment in Saskatoon and in the size of the cooling equipment in Phoenix and Tampa. A cost analysis shows that the HVAC system including an energy wheel has the least life-cycle costs in these three cities. In Vancouver, the energy wheel has a negligible impact on the indoor RH, PAQ, energy consumption, and life-cycle cost.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类