Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment — Injury and safety definitions and thresholds — Guidelines for their inclusion in standards
体育和其他娱乐设施和设备 - 伤害和安全定义和阈值 - 包括在标准中的指南
ISO 20183:2015为标准编写者提供了在制定ISO/TC 83标准时适用的伤害和安全定义及阈值的指南。其目的是促进语言的协调,理解产品/程序的安全性,并遵守关于一般产品安全要求的指令2001/95/EC。
ISO 20183:2015 provides standards writers with guidelines for the inclusion of injury and safety definitions and thresholds to be applied in the development of ISO/TC 83 standards. It is intended to contribute to harmonization of the language and understanding safety of products/procedures as well as to comply with Directive 2001/95/EC on general product safety requirements.