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现行 IEEE 2800-2022
IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems 与相关输电线路互连的基于逆变器的资源(IBRs)互连和互操作性IEEE标准 电力系统
发布日期: 2022-04-22
本标准为与输电和子输电系统互连的基于逆变器的资源建立了所需的互连能力和性能标准。本标准中的10、11、12是将基于逆变器的资源可靠集成到大容量电力系统的性能要求,包括但不限于:电压和频率穿越、有功功率控制、无功功率控制、异常频率条件下的动态有功功率支持、异常电压条件下的动态电压支持、电能质量、,负序电流注入和系统保护。本标准还应适用于通过专用高压电压源变流器与交流输电系统互连的基于隔离逆变器的资源- 电压直流输电设施;在这些情况下,本标准应适用于隔离IBR和VSC-HVDC设施的组合,且不适用于隔离IBR,除非它们作为补充IBR装置,对于配备VSC-HVDC的IBR电厂而言,在适用性参考点满足本标准的要求是必要的。
This standard establishes the required interconnection capability and performance criteria for inverter-based resources interconnected with transmission and sub-transmission systems.10, 11, 12 Included in this standard are performance requirements for reliable integration of inverter-based resources into the bulk power system, including, but not limited to: voltage and frequency ride-through, active power control, reactive power control, dynamic active power support under abnormal frequency conditions, dynamic voltage support under abnormal voltage conditions, power quality, negative sequence current injection, and system protection. This standard shall also be applied to isolated inverter-based resources that are interconnected to an ac transmission system via a dedicated voltage source converter high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) transmission facility; in these cases, the standard shall apply to the combination of the isolated IBR and the VSC-HVDC facility and shall not apply to the isolated IBR unless they serve as a supplemental IBR device that is necessary for the IBR plant with VSC-HVDC to meet the requirements of this standard at the reference point of applicability.