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现行 ISO 19085-3:2021
Woodworking machines — Safety — Part 3: Numerically controlled (NC/CNC) boring and routing machines 木工机械.安全.第3部分:数控(NC/CNC)镗床和走线机
发布日期: 2021-11-08
本文件给出了能够连续生产使用的数控(NC/CNC)镗床、NC/CNC走线机以及NC/CNC镗床和走线机(定义见3.2、3.3和3.4)的安全要求和措施,以下简称“机器”。 本文件涉及附录A中列出的与机器相关的所有重大危险、危险情况和事件,这些危险、危险情况和事件是在制造商预期的条件下操作、调整和维护的,包括合理可预见的误用。此外,还考虑了运输、组装、拆卸、禁用和报废阶段。 本文件也适用于装有以下一个或多个装置/附加工作装置的机器,其危险已得到处理: -?用于锯切、砂磨、装配或插入销钉的额外工作装置; -?固定或移动工件支架; -?机械、气动、液压或真空工件夹紧; -?自动换刀装置。 它也适用于配备封边设备的机器,即使相关的特定危险尚未处理。 注?对于封边设备所需的风险评估,ISO?19085-17可能有用。 本文件涵盖的机器适用于以下工件: -?实木; -?与木材具有相似物理特性的材料(见ISO?19085-1:2021,3.2); -?石膏板、石膏纤维板、硬纸板; -?基质工程矿物板、硅酸盐板; -?复合材料,其芯由聚氨酯或轻合金层压的矿物材料组成; -?聚合物基复合材料和增强热塑性/热固性/弹性材料; -?铝轻合金型材; -?最大厚度为10毫米的铝轻合金板; -?由上述材料制成的复合板。 本文件不涉及与以下相关的特定危险: -?砂轮的使用; -?在工件支架上方外壳开口高度超过700?mm的机器上,通过窗帘保护的开口进行弹射; -?因切削圆直径等于或大于16毫米的铣刀和不符合EN 847-1:2017和EN 847-2:2017的锯切工具故障而弹出; -?一台机器与其他机器的组合(作为一条生产线的一部分); -?集成工件加载/卸载系统(例如机器人)。 本文件不适用于: -?单轴手动进给或集成进给走线机; -?拟用于潜在爆炸性环境的机器; -?出版前制造的机器。
This document gives the safety requirements and measures for numerically controlled (NC/CNC) boring machines, NC/CNC routing machines and NC/CNC boring and routing machines (as defined in 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4), capable of continuous production use, hereinafter referred to as "machines". This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, listed in Annex A, relevant to the machines when they are operated, adjusted and maintained as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer including reasonably foreseeable misuse. Also, transport, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping phases have been taken into account. This document is also applicable to machines fitted with one or more of the following devices/additional working units, whose hazards have been dealt with: —    additional working units for sawing, sanding, assembling or dowel inserting; —    fixed or movable workpiece support; —    mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or vacuum workpiece clamping; —    automatic tool change devices. It is also applicable to machines fitted with edge-banding equipment, even if the relevant specific hazards have not been dealt with. NOTE      For the risk assessment needed for the edge-banding equipment, ISO 19085-17 can be useful. Machines covered in this document are designed for workpieces consisting of: —    solid wood; —    material with similar physical characteristics to wood (see ISO 19085-1:2021, 3.2); —    gypsum boards, gypsum bounded fibreboards, cardboard; —    matrix engineered mineral boards, silicate boards; —    composite materials with core consisting of polyurethane or mineral material laminated with light alloy; —    polymer-matrix composite materials and reinforced thermoplastic/thermoset/elastomeric materials; —    aluminium light alloy profiles; —    aluminium light alloy plates with a maximum thickness of 10 mm; —    composite boards made from the materials listed above. This document does not deal with specific hazards related to: —    use of grinding wheels; —    ejection through openings guarded by curtains on machines where the height of the opening in the enclosure above the workpiece support exceeds 700 mm; —    ejection due to failure of milling tools with a cutting circle diameter equal to or greater than 16 mm and sawing tools not conforming to EN 847?1:2017 and EN 847?2:2017; —    the combination of a single machine being used with other machines (as a part of a line); —    integrated workpiece loading/unloading systems (e.g. robots). This document is not applicable to: —    single spindle hand fed or integrated fed routing machines; —    machines intended for use in potentially explosive atmosphere; —    machines manufactured prior to its publication.
归口单位: ISO/TC 39/SC 4
BS EN ISO 19085-3-2021
Woodworking machine. Safety-Numerically controlled (NC/CNC) boring and routing machines
木工机器 安全
DIN EN ISO 19085-3
Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 3: Numerically controlled (NC/CNC) boring and routing machines (ISO 19085-3:2021)
木工机械.安全.第3部分:数控(NC/CNC)镗孔和走线机(ISO 19085-3-2021);德语版本EN ISO 19085-3:2021
GB 22659-2008
木工机床安全 数控钻床和数控镂铣机
Safety of woodworking machines - Numerically controlled (NC)boring machines and routing machines
BS 04/301783 DC
EN 848-3. Safety of woodworking machines. One side moulding machines with rotating tool. Part 3. Numerically controlled (NC) boring machines and routing machines
EN 848-3 木工机械的安全 带旋转工具的单面成型机 第三部分 数控(NC)镗床和走线机
JB/T 13934.3-2020
数控木工五面多轴钻床 第3部分:技术条件
Numerically controlled(NC)five-side and multiple spindle boring machines of woodworking-Part 3:Technology conditions
BS 10/30233212 DC
BS EN 848-3. Safety of woodworking machines. One side moulding machines with rotating tools. Part 3. Numerically controlled (NC) boring and routing machines
英国标准EN 848-3 木工机械的安全 带有旋转工具的单面成型机 第三部分 数控(NC)镗床和走线机
JB/T 13934.2-2020
数控木工五面多轴钻床 第2部分:精度
Numerically controlled(NC)five-side and multiple spindle boring machines of woodworking-Part 2:Accuracy
JB/T 13934.1-2020
数控木工五面多轴钻床 第1部分:参数
Numerically controlled(NC)five-side and multiple spindle boring machines of woodworking-Part 1:Parameters
JB/T 13933.3-2020
数控木工裁板锯 第3部分:技术条件
Numerically controlled(NC)panel sawing machine-Part 3:Technology conditions
BS EN 16564-2020
Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone. Safety. Requirements for bridge type sawing/milling machines, included numerical control (NC/CNC) versions
开采和加工天然石材的机器和设备 安全桥式锯/铣床的要求 包括数控(NC/CNC)版本
EC 1002-2002
2002/1002/EC: Commission Decision of 17 December 2002 on the publication of the reference of standard EN 848-3 "Safety of woodworking machines — One-side moulding machines with rotating tool — Part 3: Numerical control boring machines and routing machines" in the Official Journal of the European Communities in the framework of the implementation of Directive 98/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance) (notifie
2002/1002/EC:2002年12月17日委员会决定在欧洲共同体官方公报的框架内 在欧洲共同体指令98/37/EC的实施框架内 发布标准EN 848-3“木工机械的安全-带旋转工具的单面造型机-第3部分:数控镗床和走线机”的参考议会和理事会(与欧洲经济区相关的文本)(通知