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现行 4667 – Considerations in the Design and Application of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Residential Markets
Considerations in the Design and Application of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Systems in Residential Markets 住宅市场固体氧化物燃料电池能源系统设计与应用的思考
本文探讨了燃料电池系统设计在固定住宅市场中的应用。为低于10千瓦的固定应用开发燃料电池系统涉及尺寸、燃料处理、工作点选择、燃料电池运行能力、系统集成和负载管理策略。本文讨论了每一个考虑因素,并提出了将住宅的电能和热能需求与固体氧化物燃料电池电力系统相匹配的策略。还给出了配置燃料电池、DC-AC逆变器以及调节燃料电池组产生的直流电的电能存储组件的效率考虑。本文对小型核电站中固体氧化物燃料电池的潜在机遇提出了建议- 扩展固定电源应用。单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第110卷,pt。1.
This paper examines aspects of fuel cell system design for application in stationary residential markets. The development of fuel cell systems for sub-10 kW stationary applications involves consideration of sizing, fuel processing, operating point selection, fuel cell operating capabilities, system integration, and load management strategies. Each of these considerations is discussed, and strategies are presented for matching the electrical and thermal energy demands of a residence with a solid oxide fuel cell power system. Efficiency considerations for configuring fuel cell, DC-to-AC inverter, and electrical energy storage components for conditioning of DC power generated by the fuel cell stack are also given. Recommendations are made on the potential opportunities for solid oxide fuel cells in small-scale stationary power applications.Units: Dual
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类