Aerospace series. Connectors, coaxial, radio frequency-Type 2, TNC interface. Crimp version. Square flange receptacle. Product standard
航空航天系列 射频同轴连接器
BS EN 4652-222:2017规定了同轴螺纹联轴器(TNC接口)的特性
方形法兰插座-50欧姆。电缆至连接器组件采用压接技术。交叉引用:EN 4652-220EN 2591EN 4652-001EN 2424TR 6058 EN 2812EN 9133购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 4652-222:2017 specifies the characteristics of screwed on coupling (TNC interface) coaxial
square flange receptacle - 50 ohms. The cable to connector assembly is crimp technology.Cross References:EN 4652-220EN 2591EN 4652-001EN 2424TR 6058EN 2812EN 9133All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.