Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys
ISO 9606-2:2004规定了铝和铝合金熔焊焊工的资格要求。
ISO 9606-2:2004为焊工的系统资格认证提供了一套技术规则,这些规则独立于产品类型、位置和检查员/检查机构。
ISO 9606-2:2004中提到的焊接工艺包括指定为手动或部分机械化焊接的熔焊工艺。它不符合全机械化和自动化焊接工艺的要求。
ISO 9606-2:2004 specifies the requirements for qualification of welders for fusion welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys.
ISO 9606-2:2004 provides a set of technical rules for systematic qualification of welders, which are independent of product type, location and examiner/examining body.
The welding processes referred to in ISO 9606-2:2004 include those fusion welding processes which are designated as manual or partly mechanized welding. It does not qualify fully mechanized and automated welding processes.