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现行 ISO 18869:2017
Hydraulic fluid power — Test methods for couplings actuated with or without tools 液压流体动力 - 用或不用工具启动的联轴器的测试方法
发布日期: 2017-07-31
ISO 18869:2017规定了用于液压传动应用的快接管接头性能的测试和评估方法。本文件不适用于ISO 19879涵盖的管接头、端口螺柱端和法兰接头的测试。 本文件中涵盖的试验方法相互独立,并概述了每次试验应遵循的方法。有关要进行的测试和性能要求,请参见相应的连接器标准。并非针对每种应用进行所有测试;由本文件的用户选择适用的测试。 除非相关联轴节标准中另有规定或制造商和用户另有约定,否则应测试本文件中规定的联轴节鉴定样品的最小数量。
ISO 18869:2017 specifies methods for testing and evaluating the performance of quick-action couplings for use in hydraulic fluid power applications. This document does not apply to the testing of tube connections, stud ends for ports and flange connections, which are covered by ISO 19879. Test methods covered in this document are independent of each other and outline the method to follow for each test. See the respective connector standard for which tests to conduct and for performance requirements. It is not intended that all tests be carried out for every application; it is up to the user of this document to select the applicable tests. For qualification of the coupling, the minimum number of samples specified in this document is to be tested, unless otherwise specified in the relevant coupling standard or as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user.
归口单位: ISO/TC 131/SC 4