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现行 ISO 21909-1:2021
Passive neutron dosimetry systems — Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry 被动中子剂量测定系统第1部分:个人剂量测定的性能和试验要求
发布日期: 2021-12-03
本文件适用于可在上述中子能量范围内部分或全部用于个人剂量仪的所有被动中子探测器。在测试描述中,没有对市场上可用的不同技术进行区分。仅考虑通用区别,例如一次性或可重复使用的剂量计。 本文档仅描述类型测试。进行型式试验是为了评估剂量学系统的基本特性,通常由公认的国家实验室进行 本文件不提供表征由以下因素引起的退化的性能测试: -?制造商提供的剂量计质量的内在时间变异性; -?制剂处理的内在时间变异性(照射前和/或阅读前),如果存在; -?阅读过程的内在时间变异性; -?由于环境影响对制剂处理造成的降解(如果存在); -?由于环境对阅读过程的影响而导致的降解。 本文件根据ICRU 66号报告给出的建议,在附录C中提供了有关肢体剂量测定的信息。本文件仅涉及中子个人监测,而非临界事故条件。 本文件与ISO 21909-2之间的联系见附录A。
This document applies to all passive neutron detectors that can be used within a personal dosemeter in part or in all of the above-mentioned neutron energy range. No distinction between the different techniques available in the marketplace is made in the description of the tests. Only generic distinctions, for instance, as disposable or reusable dosemeters, are considered. This document describes type tests only. Type tests are made to assess the basic characteristics of the dosimetry systems and are often ensured by recognized national laboratories This document does not present performance tests for characterizing the degradation induced by the following: —    intrinsic temporal variability of the quality of the dosemeter supplied by the manufacturer; —    intrinsic temporal variability of preparation treatments (before irradiation and/or before reading), if existing; —    intrinsic temporal variability of reading process; —    degradation due to environmental effects on the preparation treatments, if existing; —    degradation due to environmental effects on the reading process. This document gives information for extremity dosimetry in the Annex C, based on recommendations given by ICRU Report 66. This document addresses only neutron personal monitoring and not criticality accident conditions. The links between this document and ISO 21909-2 are given in Annex A.
归口单位: ISO/TC 85/SC 2
Draft Document - Passive neutron dosimetry systems - Part 1: Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry (ISO/DIS 21909-1:2020); Text in German and English
文件草案.被动中子剂量测定系统.第1部分:个人剂量测定的性能和试验要求(ISO/DIS 21909-1-2020);德语和英语文本
BS 06/30119052 DC
IEC 62387. Passive integrating dosimetry systems forenvironmental and personal monitoring for externalphoton and beta radiation using electronic devicesfor the data evaluation. Part 1. General characteristics and performance requirements on dosimetry systems
IEC 62387 被动集成剂量学系统 用于环境和个人监测外部光子和β辐射 使用电子设备进行数据评估 第一部分 剂量测定系统的一般特性和性能要求
DIN IEC 62387-1
Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive integrating dosimetry systems for environmental and personal monitoring - Part 1: General characteristics and performance requirements (IEC 62387-1:2007)
辐射防护仪器.环境和个人监测用无源集成剂量测定系统.第1部分:一般特性和性能要求(IEC 62387-1-2007)
VDE 0492-3-1/DIN EN 62387-1
Raditation protection instrumentation - Passive integrating dosimetry systems for environmental and personal monitoring - Part 1: General characteristics and performance requirements (IEC 62387-1:2007, modified); German version EN 62387-1:2012
辐射防护仪器.环境和个人监测用无源集成剂量测定系统.第1部分:一般特性和性能要求(IEC 62387-1-2007 修改);德文版EN 62387-1:2012