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现行 IEC TS 62791:2022
Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Low-echo sphere phantoms and method for performance testing of grey-scale medical ultrasound scanners applicable to a broad range of transducer types 超声学.脉冲回波扫描仪.适用于多种传感器类型的灰度医用超声扫描仪的低回波球形模型和性能测试方法
发布日期: 2022-07-18
IEC TS 62791:2022定义了术语并规定了量化实时超声B型扫描仪详细成像性能的方法。通过在模拟组织的背景中对包含小的低回波球形目标的体模成像并分析球形可检测性来评估细节。给出了体模特性的规格。此外,描述了用于获取图像、进行球体可检测性的定性分析以及通过检测球体位置并计算其对比度与噪声比来进行定量分析的过程。通过适当的设计选择,可以应用结果,例如: ?评估扫描仪配置(扫描仪品牌和型号、扫描头和控制台设置)描绘肿瘤边界或识别肿瘤特定特征的相对能力;?选择扫描仪控制设置,例如频率或发射焦点的数量和位置,以最大化空间分辨率; ?检测探头中导致旁瓣增强和杂散回波的缺陷。 与这些扫描仪一起使用的传感器类型包括: a)相控阵, b)线性阵列, c)凸阵列, d)机械扇形扫描器, e)在2-D成像模式下操作的3-D探针,以及 f)在3D成像模式下操作的3D探头,用于有限数量组的重建的2D图像。 该测试方法适用于工作在1 MHz至23 MHz频率范围内的传感器。 IEC TS 62791:2022取消并取代了2015年发布的第一版。本版构成技术修订版。 与上一版相比,该版本包括以下重大技术变化。a)对分析方法进行必要的修正;这些已经在文献中发表。 b)它增加了符合本技术规范的体模中低回波球体的对比度水平范围。以前的规范是-20 dB,但现在规定了两个额外的水平,-6 dB和-30 dB,或者如果可能的话-40 dB。 c)它包括该方法的更广泛用途,包括测试扫描仪预设对特定临床任务的有效性以及检测换能器和波束成形中的缺陷。 d)它通过减小体模的尺寸和嵌入每个体模中的低回波反向散射球体的数量来降低制造成本。
IEC TS 62791:2022 defines terms and specifies methods for quantifying detailed imaging performance of real-time, ultrasound B-mode scanners. Detail is assessed by imaging phantoms containing small, low-echo spherical targets in a tissue-mimicking background and analysing sphere detectability. Specifications are given for phantom properties. In addition, procedures are described for acquiring images, conducting qualitative analysis of sphere detectability, and carrying out quantitative analysis by detecting sphere locations and computing their contrast-to-noise ratios. With appropriate choices in design, results can be applied, for example:
? to assess the relative ability of scanner configurations (scanner make and model, scan head and console settings) to delineate the boundary of a tumour or identify specific features of tumours;
? to choose scanner control settings, such as frequency or the number and location of transmit foci, which maximize spatial resolution;
? to detect defects in probes causing enhanced sidelobes and spurious echoes.
The types of transducers used with these scanners include:
a) phased arrays,
b) linear arrays,
c) convex arrays,
d) mechanical sector scanners,
e) 3-D probes operating in 2-D imaging mode, and
f) 3-D probes operating in 3-D imaging mode for a limited number of sets of reconstructed 2 D images.
The test methodology is applicable for transducers operating in the 1 MHz to 23 MHz frequency range.
IEC TS 62791:2022 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.
a) It introduces necessary corrections to the analysis methods; these have been published in the literature.
b) It increases the range of contrast levels of low-echo spheres in phantoms that meet this Technical Specification. Previous specification was -20 dB, but two additional levels, -6 dB and either -30 dB or, if possible, -40 dB, are now specified.
c) It includes a wider range of uses of the methodology, including testing the effectiveness of scanner pre-sets for specific clinical tasks and detecting flaws in transducers and in beamforming.
d) It decreases the manufacturing cost by decreasing phantoms' dimensions and numbers of low-echo, backscattering spheres embedded in each phantom.
归口单位: TC 87
GOST R 57631-2017
Техника ультразвуковая. Сканеры эхо-импульсные. Слабоотражающие сферические фантомы и методы испытаний для монохромных медицинских ультразвуковых аппаратов, применяемых с датчиками различных типов
超声波 脉冲回波扫描仪 低回波球体模型和适用于各种传感器类型的灰度级医疗超声波扫描仪的性能测试方法
BS 08/30177593 DC
BS EN 62558. Ultrasonics. Real-time pulse-echo scanners. Phantom and method for automated evaluation and periodic testing of 3-D distributions of signal-to-noise ratio using voids
英国标准EN 62558 超声波学 实时脉冲回波扫描仪 利用空隙对三维信噪比分布进行自动评估和定期测试的模型和方法
BS DD IEC/TS 62558-2011
Ultrasonics. Real-time pulse-echo scanners. Phantom with cylindrical, artificial cysts in tissue-mimicking material and method for evaluation and periodic testing of 3D-distributions of void-detectability ratio (VDR)
超声波学 实时脉冲回波扫描仪 在组织模拟材料中带有圆柱形人工囊肿的体模以及空洞可探测率(VDR)3D分布的评估和定期测试方法
GOST R 55717-2013
Ультразвук. Эхо-импульсные ультразвуковые диагностические приборы, работающие в режиме реального времени. Фантом с цилиндрическими искусственными кистами в ткане-имитирующем материале, методы оценки трехмерных распределений коэффициента обнаружения пустот при периодических испытаниях
超声波 实时脉冲回波扫描仪 在组织模拟材料中具有圆柱形人造囊的幻影和用于评估和定期测试空隙检测率(VDR)的3D分布的方法
IEC TS 62558-2011
Ultrasonics - Real-time pulse-echo scanners - Phantom with cylindrical, artificial cysts in tissue-mimicking material and method for evaluation and periodic testing of 3D-distributions of void-detectability ratio (VDR)